Enfour Partners with Houghton Mifflin Companys American Heritage® dictionaries to Start Mobile English Language Services
Tokyo, Japan October 2nd, 2003
Today Enfour Group rolled out a new language reference service featuring Houghton Mifflin Companys American Heritage dictionary titles on Japanese mobile phone networks.
This new mobile service (translation Comprehensive English Dictionary ) takes the American Heritage® dictionaries into the mobile content arena for the first time and services both Japanese and English speakers via official carrier menus.
The titles featured on Enfours service include The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition; The American Heritage® Dictionary for Learners of English; and Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition.
The American Heritage® dictionaries are acclaimed for their clear and precise definitions, for their authoritative usage guidance, for the breadth of information they offer on the history of the English language, and for their elegant, richly illustrated design.
Special features include 70,000 pre-recorded sound files, which can be downloaded and played on a Japanese mobile phone and offer pronunciation support for ESL students, sample sentences and convenient cross-referencing across the different titles.
Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition, enhances the service by allowing learners with a limited vocabulary to find the best word with a minimum of effort.
Richard Northcott, CEO of Enfour states, We have designed this new service around the language resources from Houghton Mifflin Company due to their excellence and relevance for Japanese mobile users. We are confident this is an innovative communication & learning tool allowing rich and comprehensive English language reference tools to take with you anywhere and anytime.
David Langevin, Vice President, Director of Sales and Business Development, Houghton Mifflin Company commented, Enfour have consistently provided high quality language resources for the Japanese and broader Asian mobile markets. We are excited to be able to co-operate on their latest project that will enable many new users to experience and benefit from American Heritage® Dictionaries.
This subscription based service will be available from today on both the Japanese Vodafone Live! (formerly J-Sky) and EZweb networks as official content reaching a potential of over 30 million subscribers.
About Enfour Inc.
Enfour, Inc. is a Tokyo-based specialist in multilingual text handling, communications software and imaging for mobile systems. Enfour has been creating Asian language solutions, development tools and packaged software for nearly every handheld computer platform since 1994. Focusing on mobile phone development and online content, Enfour is working with smart-phone manufacturers and mobile carriers to create integrated solutions for consumers in emerging markets.
About Houghton Mifflin Company
Boston-based Houghton Mifflin Company is one of the leading educational publishers in the United States, with over $1 billion in sales. Houghton Mifflin publishes textbooks, instructional technology, assessments and other educational materials for elementary and secondary schools and colleges. The Company also publishes an extensive line of reference works and award-winning fiction and nonfiction for adults and young readers. Additionally, Houghton Mifflin offers computer-administered testing programs and services for the professional and certification markets. With its origins dating back to 1832, Houghton Mifflin today combines its tradition of excellence with a commitment to innovation. The Company's website can be found at www.hmco.com.
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