Enfour ships Houghton Mifflin Harcourt iPhone applications on iTunes App store
Tokyo/Boston August 25, 2008
Today Enfour and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) announce the global roll out of the first iPhone/iPod Touch applications featuring the American Heritage® dictionaries and other best-selling HMH reference titles. This marks the first time an authoritative reference publisher has made their major work available on a mobile/hand held device
Titles released are The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition; The American Heritage Desk Dictionary, Fourth Edition; Wall Street Words and Roget's II: The New Thesaurus.
Additionally, a large portfolio of HMH titles for use on the iPhone and iPod Touch is planned for release over the upcoming weeks.
Specifically designed for the iPhone and iPod Touch devices, these innovative hand-held applications enable rich and complete English Language reference functionality in your hands for use anywhere and anytime.
The flagship title, The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition, contains the entire 2,074 page, 7.5 pound dictionary with its nearly 300,000 terms with sound, numerous full-color photographs, drawings, and maps, making this the most elegant, comprehensive and technologically advanced dictionary available anywhere on any mobile platform.
Special features of this custom built iPhone application include fully searchable and updated definitions, real-voice audio pronunciations, zoomable graphics, bookmarking, annotation and history.
Enfour has been developing highly successful Japanese mobile phone content sites incorporating content licensed from HMH since 2003.
Richard Northcott, president and CEO of Enfour stated,
We are once again pleased to be working with the outstanding reference materials from HMH. We are confident of the global success for these new applications as they incorporate the best technology and content available on any mobile platform to date.
David Langevin, vice president and director of Electronic Markets for HMHs Trade & Reference Division remarked,
Enfour has once again enhanced our high-quality reference titles with the best technological know-how available. Together with Enfour, we are delighted to offer our customers these specially crafted versions of the American Heritage® line of dictionaries and other best-selling references on their iPhone or iPod touch.
About Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Boston-based Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company is a global education company with approximately $2.5 billion in combined revenue. The Company publishes a comprehensive set of best-in-class pre-K12 educational solutions, ranging from research-based textbook programs to instructional technology to standards-based assessments for students and educators. The Company also publishes an extensive line of reference works and award-winning literature for adults and young readers. With origins dating back to 1832, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt combines its tradition of excellence with a commitment to innovation.
To learn more about Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, visit www.hmhpub.com.
For more information, call 800-992-1627.
Contact details: Taryn Roeder
Ph: 617.351.3818
About Enfour Inc.
Enfour, Inc. is a Tokyo-based specialist in multilingual text handling, communications software and imaging for mobile systems. Enfour has been creating Asian language solutions, development tools and packaged software for nearly every handheld computer platform, starting with the Newton in 1993. Focusing on mobile phone development and online content, Enfour is working with smart-phone manufacturers and mobile carriers to create integrated solutions for consumers in emerging markets.
Contact details :
Ph: +81-3-5411-7738
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