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Enfour releases Kenkyusha �Luminious� English-Japanese, Japanese-English dictionary application for distribution on iTunes App Store

Tokyo March 29, 2012

Today Enfour, Inc. announced the addition of the Kenkyusha �Luminous� EJ-JE dictionary to its suite of applications for use on iOS devices.

This new application contains over 10,000 headwords, over 50,000 usage examples and over 4,000 pronunciation sound files. The content contains rich vocabulary, grammar and usage with notes on written and spoken English as well as the essential TOEIC� 2000 words.

This application is a must for all English language learners from university students to the casual reader.

This unique application has been created from the integration of Kenkyusha Luminous English - Japanese and Japanese - English Dictionary content with UK and US English pronunciation files from Pearson into the Enfour, Inc�s UniDict� engine. The combination of these three elements allows for the most advanced and comprehensive English reference application yet seen as a mobile application.

Features of the Luminous UniDict® application include:

  • full retina display support - including the new iPad
  • incremental search including wildcard support
  • contextual pop-up menu dialogs
  • bookmark functionality with custom folders and notes
  • flashcards for self study
  • output via email or to popular social media like Facebook, Twitter etc
  • complete off-line use - no internet connection required

Special Feature: All UniDict� applications include unique linking functionality to enable fast switching between different titles for cross checking and vocabulary building. Contextual dialog boxes will allow you to select from your other installed titles.


Kenkyusha, established in Japan 1907, is dedicated to publishing the finest language publications and Pearson Longman established in 1724 is the oldest English language publisher. Enfour has created mobile applications since 1994 on all major platforms and on Apple iTunes App Store since 2008.

Luminous English-Japanese dictionary Japanese-English dictionary (2nd Edition)
© 2005 Research Corporation, Inc., 2012
© 2009-2012 Enfour Inc.

This is available now from iTunes App Store. icon

About Enfour Inc.
Enfour, Inc. is a Tokyo-based specialist in multilingual text handling, communications software and imaging for mobile systems. Enfour has been creating Asian language solutions, development tools and packaged software for nearly every handheld computer platform, starting with the Newton in 1993. Focusing on mobile phone development and online content, Enfour is working with smart-phone manufacturers and mobile carriers to create integrated solutions for consumers in emerging markets.

Contact details : Tracey Northcott
Ph: +81-3-5411-7738

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