Enfour ships UniFEP TC (Traditional Chinese) for netBook
Chinese page
Tokyo Tuesday May 7, 2003
Enfour, Inc announces shipping of the updated "UniFEP TC" for netBook which is now suitable for recently released OS builds - including Build 158 (Malay netBook).
Also included for the first time is the PenPower Handwriting recognition software developed exclusively for use with UniFEP by PenPower Technology Ltd.
UniFEP TC for Psion netBook is the latest upgraded product from Enfour in the UniFEP family of multilingual input solutions for mobile device and is specifically aimed at users of Traditional Chinese (such as Hong Kong and Taiwan). UniFEP TC allows users to send and receive emails, view Web pages and beam contact information in Chinese.
UniFEP TC supports the full Big5 character set with additions of Hong Kong extended characters. And, unlike other Chinese solutions on other platforms, UniFEP TC also supports the Simplified Chinese character set used in mainland China.
Improved Input methods included are: PinYin (SC &TC), ZuYin (Bopomofo), ChangJie, Array, DaYi, WuBi and Quick as well as HWR in multiple formats.
UniFEP is a floating-palette based, input system that supports multiple Asian and European scripts. By using plug-in encoding; dictionary and code-based input logic; and multiple font modules, it the most flexible and expandable language solution available on any handheld platform. By supporting Unicode via the 8 bit encoding system "UTF8", UniFEP enables the automatic display of non-ASCII characters in third-party software, while retaining full binary compatibility in existing Symbian Platform (EPOC) applications.

The complete bundle package is available for US$65 via download from the Enfour on-line store powered by Handango.
Full details of features and functions are available here.
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