Enfour announces UniFEP CE (Traditional Chinese for PocketPC & WindowsCE)
November 12th, 2002 - Enfour Inc. HQ Tokyo
Today, Enfour announces the release of "UniFEP CE", a display and input system for Chinese characters for WindowsCE and PocketPC.
UniFEP CE is the latest product from Enfour in the UniFEP family of multilingual input solutions for mobile device and is specifically aimed at users of Traditional Chinese (such as Hong Kong and Taiwan). UniFEP CE allows users to send and receive emails, view Web pages and beam contact information in Chinese.
UniFEP CE supports the full Big5 character set with additions of Hong Kong extended characters. And, unlike other Chinese solutions, UniFEP CE also supports Cantonese and the Simplified Chinese character set used in mainland China.
Input methods included are: PinYin (SC, TC & Cantonese), ZuYin (Bopomofo), ChangJie, Array, DaYi, WuBi and Quick.

UniFEP CE supports the following devices:
1. WindowsCE 2.11 (Palm-sized PC, Handheld PC Pro)
2. WindowsCE 3.00 (Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002, Handheld PC 2000 & Embedded devices)
Price: US$25
Buy online from Enfour's software store.
For Chinese language support contact Micro Cheng
For international sales contact
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