"Fancy Galaxy"
June 13th 2001, Tokyo
Today, Enfour Inc. released "Fancy Galaxy", a shooting game for Symbian Platform (EPOC) devices.
"Fancy Galaxy" is a simple but addictive game where oncoming seagulls are shot while avoiding their droppings. As the game progresses, points, speed and power modules are collected. It comes with an interesting range of "Boss" characters and multiple levels. After level four, crows are added to your attacking dangers. There are more than 10 levels which will provide hours of challenging fun for gamers.
The first in a series of titles using Enfour's new game engine, "Fancy Galaxy" supports English, Japanese and Chinese. As such it is the first third-party software title to support Chinese on the Symbian Platform (EPOC). Two versions are available one for Revo-size screens, the other for Series 5 sized screens.
"Fancy Galaxy" is available for online purchase from Handango and, in Japan, from Vector.

Game instruction
keyboard usage
use arrow keys to control your flighter's movement
use left-shift key for fire shooting
use left-ctrl key for special bomb
use esc key for pause the game, after game pause press any key to continue.
at the startup screen, use arrow key to change selection,
and press enter to confirm your selection.
Language Support
Fancy Galaxy is the first game that automatically select language
text display and dialogs.
It support the following UniFEP system with different language
1. UniFEP V2 display Japanese
2. UniFEP TC display Traditional Chinese
3. UniFEP SC display Simplified Chinese
4. Without UniFEP display English
Technical Support
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