English Synonyms (Moby Thesaurus)
The largest synonym resource around...
"Moby Thesaurus II" by Grady Ward
30,260 root words, with 2,520,264 synonyms and related terms.
Running on Enfour's acclaimed "UniDict Engine 2". Links work with all "Unidict Engine" dictionary titles
Powered by Enfour's acclaimed "UniDict Engine 2", this is the only iPhone dictionary platform with inter-application linking. Meaning "Companion Synonyms" works directly with all other UniDict dictionaries like "American Heritage®", "Collins Gem", "LDOCE" and "Oxford Deluxe".
Tapping on the headwords will start a search in any "Unidict Engine" dictionary title you have installed. These searches are 'round-trip', allowing you to return to "Companion Synonyms" through the "Back" button.

Not a replacement for a brand-name thesaurus like "Roget's II" or "Oxford Thesaurus of English", but a worthy addition to any 'Word Warrior's' arsenal.
Synonym data from "Moby Thesaurus II" by Grady Ward.
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